In general, negative results have been obtained in a relatively complete
battery of in vivo and in vitro mutagenicity tests, including gene mutation, chromosomal aberration, and
primary DNA damage (US EPA, 1997). Cumene was tested at concentrations
up to 2000 Κg/plate in a Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay (modified Ames test); negative results were observed
with and without metabolic activation (Lawlor & Wagner, 1987). Cumene
was negative in an Ames assay at concentrations up to 3606 Κg/plate with
S. typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, and TA1537 (Florin et al., 1980). Cumene also tested negative, with and without metabolic activation,
in a set of HGPRT assays (using Chinese hamster ovary cells) at cumene
concentrations of 100-125 Κg/ml, at which the relative cloning efficiencies
(a measure of cytotoxicity) ranged from 29% to 110% (Gulf Life Sciences
Center, 1985a; Yang, 1987). A micronucleus assay performed in mice given
up to 1 g cumene/kg body weight by gavage was negative (Gulf Life Sciences
Center, 1985b). Micronucleus assays done in Fischer-344 rats, however,
gave values that were weakly positive, although little dose-response was
seen, and deaths occurred at the highest dose (5 of 10 animals at 2.5 g/kg
body weight intraperitoneally; NTP, 1996). The positive control used in
the micronucleus tests, cyclophosphamide, produced strong positive responses
in all assays.
Cumene failed to induce significant rates of transformation
in BALB/3T3 cells (without activation) at concentrations up to 500 Κg/ml
(Putnam, 1987) but tested positive in an earlier cell transformation test
also using BALB/3T3 cells, in which an increase in transformations was
observed at 60 Κg/ml (Gulf Oil Corp., 1984a). Results from an unscheduled
DNA synthesis assay in rat hepatocytes conducted by Gulf Oil Corp. (1984b)
indicated positive results at doses of 16 and 32 Κg cumene/ml (with 128
Κg/ml noted as toxic to the hepatocytes). However, apparent technical
difficulties with this test (US EPA, 1988) prompted a repeat of the unscheduled
DNA synthesis assay in rat hepatocytes, the results of which showed cumene
to be clearly negative at doses up to 24 Κg/ml, with doses above 24 Κg/ml
noted as being too toxic for evaluation of unscheduled DNA synthesis (Curren,
1987; US EPA, 1988).
ECurren RD (1987) Unscheduled DNA synthesis in rat primaryhepatocytes -- test article: Cumene. Bethesda, MD, Microbiological
Associates, Inc. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Toxic Substances (Study No. T4786.380005; TSCA section 4
submission 40-8792124).
EFlorin I, Rutberg L, Curvall M, Enzell CR (1980) Screening of tobacco
smoke constituents for mutagenicity using the Ames test. Toxicology,
EGulf Life Sciences Center (1985a) CHO/HGPRT test of cumene.
Pittsburgh, PA. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Toxic Substances (Gulf Project No. 84-2128; TSCA section
8(d) submission 878216011).
EGulf Life Sciences Center (1985b) Micronucleus test of cumene. Pittsburgh, PA. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office
of Toxic Substances (Gulf Project No. 84-2129; TSCA section 8(d) submission
EGulf Oil Corp. (1984a) Cell transformation test of cumene. Houston,
TX. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Toxic Substances (Gulf Project No. 84-2131; TSCA section 8(e)
submission 888500694).
EGulf Oil Corp. (1984b) Hepatocyte primary culture/DNA repair test ofcumene. Houston, TX. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Toxic Substances (Gulf Project No. 84-2130; TSCA
section 4 submission 888500694).
ELawlor TE, Wagner VO (1987) Salmonella /mammalian-microsomepreincubation in mutagenicity assay (Ames test); test
article:Cumene. Bethesda, MD, Microbiological Associates, Inc. Washington, DC, US Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances (Study No. T4786.502009;
TSCA section 4 submission 40-8792121).
ENTP (1996) In-vivo cytogenetics testing results for cumene,micronucleus induction
results. Available from National Toxicology
Program, National Institute for Environmental and Health Sciences,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
EPutnam DL (1987) Chromosome aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary(CHO) cells -- test article:
Cumene. Bethesda, MD, Microbiological
Associates, Inc. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Toxic Substances (Study No. T4786.337012; TSCA section 4
submission 40-8792123).
EUS EPA (1988) Cumene; final test rule. Federal register, 53(144) :28195-28206.
EUS EPA (1997) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) online at (including the Toxicological review ofcumene in support of summary IRIS information, National Center for
Environmental Assessment, Cincinnati, OH). Washington, DC, US
Environmental Protection Agency.
EYang LL (1987) CHO/HGPRT mutation assay; test article: Cumene.
Bethesda, MD, Microbiological Associates, Inc. Washington, DC, US
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances (Study No.
T4786.332010; TSCA section 4 submission 40-8792124).