  ( List of The Compounds Selected )   
 Nearly 2000 compounds including industrial chemicals or natural substances, used for medical drugs, food additives, pesticides, cosmetics of which mutagenicity data were published in scientfic documents during about past 20 years, have been selected.
  They were alphabetically arranged in several groups with their CAS Numbers.
  Additonal information is noted in the last 2 items; a qualitative evaluation of the genotoxicity data extracted from this database, and evaluation of carciogenic activities of the compound on which the IARC has been classified.(See
 Please click the group of compounds in which your target chemical is included. You can find the chemical group also from the list of
 CAS numbers .
参考文献 (References)
No Papers or Documents Contents
Test systems+)
1 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. (ACGIH): Threshold Limit Values or Chemical Substances in the Work Environment (1997) Industrial chemicals
2 Anderson B et al., Environ. Mol Mutagen., 16 (Suppl. 18), 55-137 (1990) 42 chemicals (CA, SCE)*
3 Ashby J. & Tennant RW.,  Ditection of rodent carcinogens for 44 chemicals: results: Mutagenesis, 9, 7-15 (1994) 44 chemcals *
4 Brown JP & Dietrich PS: Mutation Res., 66, 223-240 (1979) Plant flavonols (AM)
5 Bruce WR & Heddle JA: Can. J. Genet. Cytol., 21, 319-334 (1979): 61 chemicals
6 CICADS (IPCS/WHO) (1998-2004) (a review) 63  Industrial chemicals
7 Cagy Z., et al., .Acta Microbiol. Acad. Sci-Human Genetics, 22, 309-314 (1975) Pesticides (AM)
8 De Flora S: Carcinogenesis, 2, 283-298 (1981) 106 chemicals (AM)
9 De Serres, FJ. and Ashby J.: Evaluation of Short-Term Tests for Carcinogens, Prog.in Mutation Res.,1, Elsevier/North-Holland (1982) 42 chemicals (AM etc.)
10 Dunkel VC. et al., Environ. Mutagen., 7 (Suppl. 5), 1-248 (1985) Carciinogens & non-carcinogens (AM)
11 ECETOC Monograph, 27 (1997): 73 chemicals (Aneu)
12 Foureman P. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 23, 51-63 (1994) 50 chemicals (Drosophila)
13 Foureman P. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 23, 208-227 (1994) 70 chemicals (Drosophila)*
14 Galloway SM et al., Environ. Mol., Mutagen.,10 (Suppl. 10), 1-176 (1987) 108 chemicals (CA)*
15 Galloway SM et al., Environ. Mutagen.,7, 1-52 (1985) 22 chemicals (CA)*
16 Gold, LS. and Zeiger, E ; Hand Book of Carcinogenic Potency and Genotoxicity Databases, CRC Press (1998) 1475 chemicals (AM, CA, SCE, MLA, and Drosophila)*
17 Gulati DK., et al.,Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 13, 133-193 (1989) 27 chemicals (CA, SCE)*
18 Haworth S et al., Environ. Mutagen., 5 (Suppl. 1) 3-142 (1983) 250 chemicals (AM)(a)
19 Hayashi M, et al.: Fd. Chem. Toxic, 26, 487 (1988) 39 food additives etc.(MNv)
20 Hude W., et al.: Mutation Res., 203, 81-94 (1988) 124 chemicals (Chromo.Test)
21 IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Suppl. 6. (1987) 141 chemicals (a review)
22 Ishidate MJr and Odashima S.: Mutation Res., 48, 337 (1977) 134 chemicals (CA)
23 Ishidate, MJr, et al.: Mutation Res., 195, 151-213 (1988) 951 chemicals (CA: a review)
24 Ishidate MJr (Ed): Data Book for In Vitro Chromosomal Aberration Tests on Chemicals, LIC/Tokyo, Elsevier/Amsterdam (1988) 400 chemicals (CA: Data Book)
25 Ishidate MJr (Ed): Data Book of Mutagenicity Tests on Chemicals in bacteria, LIC/Tokyo (1991) (Tables in English) 535 chemicals (AM)
26 Ivett JL., et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen, 14, 165-187 (1989) 15 chemicals (CA, SCE)*
27 Kada T & Ishidate MJr: Data Book for Mutagenicity of Chemicals, Scientist/Tokyo (1980) 1708 chemicals (Data Book)
28 Latt SA, et al., Mutation Res., 87, 17-62 (1981) 195 chemicals (SCE) *
29 Loveday KS, et al.: Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 16, 272-303 (1990) 40 chemicals (CA, SCE)*
30 Matsushita H (Ed): Data Book for Carcinogenicity & Mutagenicity of Chemicals, IPC/Tokyo (1983) 100 chemicals (AM)
31 Matsuoka A.., et al., Mutation Res., 272, 223-236 (1992) Miscellaoeus (MN in vitro)
32 McCann J, et al.: Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. (USA), 72, 5135-5139 (1975) 300 chemicals (AM)
33 McGregor DB. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 11, 91-118 (1988) 18 chemicals (MLA)*
34 McGregor DB. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 12, 85-154 (1988) 72 chemicals (MLA)*
35 McGregor DB. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 17, 196-219 (1991) 27 chemicals (MLA)*
36 McGregor DB. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 17, 122-129 (1991) Gases & vapors (MLA)
37 Michell AD. et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 12,(Suppl. 13), 37-102 (1988) 63 chemicals (MLA)*
38 Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare, Japan: Toxicity Testing Reports of Environmental Chemicals, Chemical Investigation Promoting Council (Ed.), Vol. 1-9 (1994-2002):(Tables in English) 208 chemicals
AM, CA, or MNv)
39 Ministry of Labor, Japan; Mutagenicity Test Data of Exsisting Chemical Substances; JETOC (Ed.) (1996-2000) (Tables in English) 375 chemicals (AM and/or CA)
40 Morita T, et al. : Mutation Res., 389, 3-122 (1997) 43 carcinotens (MNv)
41 Mortelmans K., et al., Environ. Mutagen., 8 (Suppl. 7) 1-119 (1986) 270 chemicals (AM)*
42 Mueller-Tegethoff, K., et al., Mutation Res.,  335,  293-307  (1995) (MN in vitro hepatocytes)
43 Muzzall JM & Cook WL: Mutation Res., 67, 1-8 (1979) Cosmetic dyes (AM)
44 Myhr BC & Caspary WJ,, Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 12 (Supp.13) 103-194 (1988) 63 chemicals
45 Myhr BC & Caspary WJ,, Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 18 51-83 (1991) 31 chemicals (MLA)*
46 Myhr BC., et al., Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 16 (Suppl. 18), 138-169 (1990) 41 chemicals (MLA)*
47 Nishioka H., Mutation Res., 31, 185-189 (1975) 56 metal compounds (REC)
48 Oberly TJ., et al.: Mutation Res., 125, 291-306 (1984) 42 chemicals (MLA)
49 Shelby MD. & Witt KL: Environ Mol. Mutagen., 1995, 25, 302-313 (1995) (CAv & MNv)
50 Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosome Aberration Test in vitro LIC, Tokyo (1998) (Tables in English)) 901 chemicals (CA)
51 Sofuni T., et al., Mutation Res., 241, 175-213 (1990) 25 chemicals (CA)
52 Storer RD, et al., Alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay (DNA damage): Mutation Res., 368, 59-101 (1996) Miscellaoeus (DNA)
53 Tucker JD et al., Sister-chromatid exchange: second report of the Gene-Tox Program: Mutat Res., Sepl.  297(2): 101-80 (1993) Miscellaoeus(SCE)
54 Valencia R., et al.: Environ. Mutagen. 7, 325-348 (1985) 48 chemicals (Drosophila)
55 Williams GM. et al., Mutation Res., 221, 263-286 (1989) Miscellaoeus (DNA repair)
56 Woodruff RC., et al., Environ. Mutagen. 7, 677-702 (1985) 53 chemicals (Drosophila)*
57 Yoon JS., et al., Environ. Mutagen. 7, 349-367 (1985) 45 chemicals (Drosophila)*
58 Zeiger E, et al.: Environ. Mutagen. 6 (Suppl 9), 1-110 (1987) 255 chemicals (AM) *
59 Zeiger E, et al.: Environ. Mutagen. 16 (Suppl., 18), 32-54 (1990) 42 chemicals (AM) *
60 Zeiger E, et al.: Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 19 (Suppl., 21), 2-141 (1992) 311 chemicals (AM) *
61 Zinmmering S., et al.: Environ. Mutagen. 7, 87-100 (1985) 20 chemicals (Drosophila)*
62 Other scientific reports or documents Not specified
 +: Refer to Abbreviation;    *: US-NTP Data

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