Group C-12 ‰»Šw\‘’@(Chemical Structure)  

Cyclohexanone @iƒVƒNƒƒwƒLƒTƒmƒ“j
@@CASF 108-94-1@@Industr‚™/Solvent)@@MW: 98.14
AM Sal. Min (?)
MB B. subtilis Min (?)
DNA Human LY (Single strand break); Min ( 0.005 mg/L )
1) Massoud A., et al.: Mutation Res., 74, 174 (1980)
2) Dyshlovol VD., et al.: Gig. Sanit., 5, 76-77 (1981)
  US-NTP Genotoxicity ScreeningF
  › Ames Test :
  › MLA Test :

œ CyclohexeneiƒVƒNƒƒwƒLƒZƒ“ j
110-83-8@Industr‚™@ 82.15
AM Sal Min ( 0.625 mg/plate, -S9), spa= 83.2 (TA2637)
1) Ministry of Labour, Japan; Mutagen. Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., JETOC (Ed.), Suppl.. 3 pp. 208 (2005)  (Tables in English)

œ Cyclohexene oxideiƒVƒNƒƒwƒLƒZƒ“ ƒIƒLƒVƒhj
286-20-4@@Industr‚™@ 98.14
AM Sal /E. coli Min (0.5 mg/plate, -S9); Spe= 151 (TA100)
1) Ministry of Labour, Japan; Mutagen. Test Data of Exist. Chem. Subst., JETOC (Ed.) (1996)  (Tables in English)

œ Cyclohexylamine @iƒVƒNƒƒwƒLƒVƒ‰ƒ~ƒ“; Amonocyclohexane; Hexahydroaniline)
@@@108-91-8@@Industr‚™/Intermediate)@ 112.56
AM Sal. Max ( 10 mg/plate, }S9)   1)
AM Sal.
Max ( 2.5 mg/plate, }S9)   2, 3)
AM Sal. Max ( 0.015 mg/plate, -S9)   4)
AM Sal. Max ( 1 mM, }S9)   5)
SM CHO Max ( 1.7  mg/ml, }S9)   6)
CA CHL/IU Min (  0.5 mg/ml, }S9) › 7)
CA CH, Fibro. Min (  0.1 mg/ml, -S9) › 8)
CA Kangaroon rat
/ kidney
Min (  0.5 mg/ml, -S9) › 9)
CA Human LY Min (  1 mM, -S9) › 10)
CA Human LY Max (0.5 mg/ml, }S9)   11)
DNA Phage-induct./
E. coli
Max (?), -S9)   12)
DNA E. coli Max ( 50 ƒΚ‚Œ),  -S9)   13)
UM Sal. Max ( 0.1. ml, }S9)   14)
SCE Human lym. Min (  1 mM,  -S9) ›w 15)
UDS Rat hepatocytes Max ( 0.86. mg, -S9)   6)
CT Sy. ham. Min ( 0.5 mg/ml,  -S9) › 16)
CT BHK21 Max (?) (-S9)   17)
SLRL Drosophila: Max ( 5 mg,/ml, ip,/fed)
SLRL Drosophila: Max ( 1.7 mg/ml, fed)
SMv Mice, spot test Min ( 200 mg/kg), ip ›w 22)
CAv Mice, germ cells Max ( 100 mg/kg/d, ip), for 5d.   23)
CAv Rats, germ cells/ BM Max ( 50 mg/kg/d, ip ), for 5d. › 24)
CAv Rats, BM Max ( 89 mg/kg/d, or ), for 69d.   25)
CAv Rats, BM Max ( 50 mg/kg/d, or/ip ), for 5d.   26)
CAv Rats, lym. Max ( 50 mg/kg/d, ip ), for 7w   27)
CAv CH, germ cells Max ( 50 mg/kg/d, ip/or ), for 3-7w   3, 28)
CAv CH, lym. Min  ( 200 mg/kg/d, or ), for 3d
DLv Mice Max ( 150 mg/kg, or )
DLv Mice Max ( 150 mg/kg/d, or ), for 5d
DLv Mice Max ( 0.11 %), fed
DLv Mice@ Max ( 25 mg/kg/d, i,p ), 1-3d
DLv Mice@ Min ( 100 mg/kg/d x 5, ip )
DLv Rats Max ( 150 mg/kg, or )   35)
DNAv Mice, liver/lym. Max ( 142 mg/kg x 2, or )   36)
1) Mortelmans , K., et al., Environ., Mol. Mutagen., 8, 1-119 (1986)
2) Anderson D & Styles JA., Bri. J. Cancer, 37, 924-930 (1978)
3) Herbold, BA., Mutation Res., 90, 365-372 (1981)
4) McGlinchey G., et al., J. Pharmacol. Sci., 71, 661-665 (1982)
5) Kubo T et al., J. Health Sci., 48, 545-554 (2002)
6) Brusick D., et al., environ. Mol. Mutagens, 14, 188-199 (1989)
7) Matsuoka A., et al., Environ. Mutation Res., 20, 159-165 (1998)
8) Dixon CH.., Diss. Abs. Int.. (B) Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 8, 617-623 (1972)
9) Green S., et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 8, 617-623 (1970)
10) Stoltz DR., et al., Science, 167, 1501-1502 (1970)
11) Brewen JG., et al.: Nature New Biol., 230, 15-16 (1971)  
12) Mayer VW., Appl. Microbiol., 18, 697-698 (1969)
13) Fluck ER., et al., Chem. Biol. Inerract., 15, 219-231 (1976)
14) Degirmenci E., et al., Water Sci. Tech., 42, 125-131 (2000)
15) Wolff S., Ann NY. Acad. Sci., 407, 142-153 (1983)
16) Casto BC., In: Mishall., et al. (eds), Advances inMod. Env. Toxicol., Vol 1., Senate Press, Princeton, NJ., pp 241-271 (1981)
17) Styles JA.: Brit. J. Cancer, 37, 931-936 (1978)  
18) Browning LS., EMS Newsletter, 6, 18-19 (1972)
19) Knaap AG., et al.: Mutation Res., 21, 341-344 (1973)    
20) Felix R & de la Rosa ME., Dros. Inform. Serr., 47, 114-116 (1971)
21) Vogel E & Chandler JLR., Experimantation, 30, 621-623 (1974)
22) Fahrig R., Mution Res., 103, 43-47 (1982)
23) Cattanach BM & Pllard CE., Mutation Res., 12, 472-434 (1971)
24) Legator MS, et al,: Science, 165, 1139-1140 (1969)      7)
25) khera KS., et al., Toxicol. Appl., Pharm., 18, 263-268 (1971)
26) Dick CE., et al., Mutation Res., 26, 199-203 (1974)
27) Mostardi RA., et al., Ohio J. Sci.., 72, 313-318 (1972)
28) Machemer L & Lorke D., Mutation Res., 40, 243-250 (1976)
29) Van Went-de-Broes GF., et al.: Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol., 13, 415-418 (1975)  
30) Machemer L & Lorke., Mutation Res., 29, 209-214 (1975)
31) Lorke D & Machemer L., Toxicol., 2, 231-237 (1974)
32) Lorke D & Machemer L., Humangenetik, 26, 199-205 (1975)
33) Epstein SS., SS Toxicol. Appl. Pharm., 23, 288-325 (1972)
34) Petersen KW., et al.: Mutation Res., 14, 126-129 (1972)    
35) Bailey DE., et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharm., 22, 330-331 (1972)
36) Kitehin KT., et al., Biochem. Pharm., 38, 2733-2738 (1989)

US-NTP Genotoxicity ScreeningF
› Ames Test :

yNotez@(Cited from IARC Monographs Suppl., 6, 1987)
@@The activity of cyclothexylamine in short-term tests has been reviewed recently (Nat. Res., Council, 49, 1985). No data were available on the genetic and related effects of this compound in humans.
@@This compound did not induce DL mutation in one study in rats, but contradictory results were obtained in mice. It gave weakly positive results in the mouse spot test. It induced CAss in lymphocytes but not in bone-marrow cells of hamsters and lambs or in spermatogonia of hamsters and mice treated in vivo. In treated rats, CAs were induced in spermatogonia but not in leucocytes, and contradictory results were obtained for bone-marrow cells. it induced SCEs in cultured human Lym., but again, conflicting results were obtained concerning the induction CAs. It enhanced virus-induced transformation of Syr. hamster embryo cells and induced CAs in cultured rat kangaroo cells. It did not induce somatic or SLRL mutations, aneuploidy or heritable translocations in Drosophila and was not mutagenic and did not induce prophage in bacteria. In host-mediated assays (HMA), it did not induce mutation in bacteria or CAs in human leucocytes. (IARC Monographs, 22, 59)
œN-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide iN-ƒVƒNƒƒwƒLƒVƒ‹-2-ƒxƒ“ƒ]|ƒ`ƒAƒ][ƒ‹ƒXƒ‹ƒtƒFƒ“ƒAƒ~ƒhj
AM Sal /E.coli Max ( 5.0 mg/plate, }S9)
AM E. coli Max ( 3.0 mg/plate, }S9)   2)
CA CHL/IU Max ( 0.08 mg/ml, }S9)
1) Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare, Japan (Ed):Toxicity Testing Reports of Environ. Chemicals, Vol. 5 (1997) (Tables in English)
2)  IUCLID (Internat. Uniform Chem. Inform. Data Base ) Data Sheet, EU (1995)

œ Cyclonite @iƒVƒNƒƒiƒCƒgj
@ @121-82-4@Explosive/Rodenticide@ 222.26
AM Sal Max (?)
MB Yeast@ Min (?)
UDS Human Fb Min (?)
1) Whong WZ ., et al.: Toxicol. Lett., 5, 11-17 (1980)
2) Simmon VF., et al.: Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 41, 197 (1977)
3) Dilley JV., et al.: Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 45, 256-257 (1978)

Cyclophosphamide (Endoxan)iƒVƒNƒƒzƒXƒtƒ@ƒ~ƒh; ƒGƒ“ƒhƒLƒTƒ“j
50-18-0@Medicine/Laboratory @261.09
AM Sal. Min (?) (+S9)
SLRL Drosophila: Min (?)
CA Human LY Min ( 0.09 mM, +S9)
CA CHL/IU Min ( 0.01 mg/ml, +S9), 6-18h; D20= 0.0093 mg/ml,  TR= 4200
SCE CHO Min ( 10-3M, +S9)
UDS HeLa cells Min ( 10-7 M, +S9)
CT C3H/T101/@ Min ( 10ƒΚg/ml), +S9
CAv Rat/BM Min(  5 mg/kg, ip)
MNv Mice/BM Min (?)
DLv Mice/CD-1 Min ( 200 mg/kg/Day, ip )
SPMv Mice Min ( 50 mg/kg x 5, ip )
UDSv Mice Min ( 200 mg/kg), or )
1) McCann J, et al,: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 72, 3190-3193 (1975)
2) Vogel E: Mutation Res., 33, 221-228 (1975)
3) Madle S et al,: Mutation Res., 54, 95-99 (1978)
4) Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro,, LIC, Tokyo (1998)  (Tables in English)
5) Stetka DG & Wolf S: Mutation Res., 41, 343-350 (1976)
6) Martin CN, et al,: Cancer Res., 38, 2621-2627 (1978)
7) Benedict WF, et al,: Cancer Res., 37, 2202-2208 (1977)
8) Goetz P, et al, :Mutation Res., 31, 247-254 (1975)
9) Wakata A, et al,: Mutation Res., 223, 369-372 (1989)
10) Anderson D, et al,: Mutation Res., 43, 231-246 (1977)
11) Wyrobek AJ & Bruce WR: Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 72, 4425-4429 (1975)
12) Sotomayor RE, et al,: Mutation Res., 50, 225-240 (1978)

yNotez@(Cited from IARC Monographs Suppl., 6, 1987)
@@Cyclophosphamide is metabolized to an alkylatiing intermediate (IARC, 26, 165). Increased incidences of CAs and SCEs were observed in peripheral blood Lym. and, in one study, in bone-marrow cells of patients treated with this agent for a variety of malignant and nonmalignant diseases.
@@It has been tested extensively for genetic effects in a wide variety of tests in vivo and in vitro, giving consistently positive results. It bound to DNA in kidney, lung and liver of mice and induced DL mutations, CAs, MNs SCE, mutation and DNA damage in rodents treated in vivo. In human cells in vitro, it induced CAs, SCEs and DNA damage. In rodent cells in vitro, it induced transformation, cCAs, SCEs, mutation and UDS. In Drosophila, it induced aneuploidy, heritable translocation and somatic and SLRL mutations. In fungi, it induced aneuploidy, mutation, recombination, gene conversion and DNA damage. In bacteria, it induced mutation and DNA damage. In host-mediated assays, it induced CAs and SCEs in human Lym. cells, mutation and SCEs in Chinese hamster cells, gene conversion in yeast, and mutation in bacteria. Iwas active in body-fluid assays of urine from humans and rodents exposed in vivo, and in one study using serum from rats. (IARC Monographs, 9, 135; 26, 165)
       œ Cycloprothrin@iƒVƒNƒƒU[ƒ‹j@@@@@@@@ @
@@@       63935-38-6@Pesticide@ 482.36@@@@
REC B. subtilis Max ( 2 mg/disk)
AM Sal../E. coli Max ( 5 mg/plate), }S9
CA L5178Y Max ( 1.25 mg/ml), }S9
1) Nihon Kayaku Co., Ltd.: J. Pesticide Sci., 16, 697-702 (1991)

œ Cinnabarinic acid@iƒVƒ“ƒiƒoƒŠƒjƒbƒNŽ_j@@@@@@@@ @@
@@@606-59-7 @@@@@Laboratory @@ 285.21
CA CHL/IU Min (0.25 mg/ml, -S9), 48h: D20= 0.46; TR= 24)
1) Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro,, LIC, Tokyo (1998j (Tables in English)

Cyproconazole (ALTO)@@@ @@
@ 94361-06-5@Pesticide@ 291.78@@
REC B. subtilis Max ( 10 mg/disk)
AM Sal../E. coli Max ( 5 mg/plate), }S9
CA CHO Max ( 0.3mg/ml), }S9
1) SDS Biotech K.K..: J. Pesticide Sci., 22, 263-268 (1997)

L-Cysteine-HCl@ iL-ƒVƒXƒeƒCƒ“₯‰–Ž_j
@ 52-89-1@@Food@@ 175.64
AM Sal.. Min ( 0.5 mg/plate, -S9)
CA CHL/IU Min ( 2.0 mg/ml, -S9), 24-48h: D20= 2.28; TR= 6.0
MNv Mice/BM Max ( 500 mg/kg x 1), ip
1) Ishidate MJr (Ed): Data Bood for Mutagenicity Tests on Chem. in Bacteria, LIC/Yokyo (1991)   (Tables in English)
2) Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro,, LIC, Tokyo (1998j   (Tables in English)
3) Hayashi M, et al,: Fd. Chem. Toxicol., 26, 487-500 (1988)

Cytosine arabinoside iƒVƒgƒVƒ“@ƒAƒ‰ƒrƒmƒTƒCƒhj(Ara-CG@Cytarabine)
@@ 147-94-4@@Medicine@ 243.25
AM Sal. /E.coli Min (?)
CA CHL/IU Min (0.001 mg/ml, -S9), 24-48h: D20= 0.001; TR= 11000
CA Hum. Lym. Min ( 0.03 ƒΚg/ml) › 3)
SCE Hum. Lym. Min ( 0.003 ƒΚg/ml) › 3)
SM V79(8-AG) Min ( 10-6M) › 4)
CT Syr.Hamster Min (10-6M) › 5)
MNv Mice/ICR/BM Min ( 1 mg/kg, iv )
MNv Mice/ddY/BM Min (?) › 7)
CTv Mice/AB/BM Min ( 315 mg/kg, ip ) › 8)
1) Natl Inst. Hygien. Sci., Tokyo, Japan (?)
2) Sofuni T. (Ed.): Data Book of Chromosomal Aberration Test In Vitro,, LIC, Tokyo (1998j   (Tables in English)
3) Shiraishi Y & Sandberg A: J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 62, 27-35 (1979)
4) Huberman E & Heidelberger C: Mutation Res., 14, 130-132 (1972)
5) Jones PA et al.: Eur. J. Cancer, 8, 595-599 (1972)
6) Maier P & Schmid W: Mutation Res., 40, 325-338 (1976)
7) Hayashi M, et al, Mutation Res., 127, 129-137 (1984)
8) Wobus AM et al.: Mutation Res., 58, 67-77 (1978)
œTop Page@iƒgƒbƒvƒy[ƒWj
œAbbreviation @iΘ—ͺ‹L†j@
œMutagenicity i•ΟˆΩŒ΄«j
œTest Systems@(ŽŽŒ±–@‚ΜŽν—ށj
œTechnical Problems@i‹Zp“I–β‘θ“_j
œList of@Compounds i‰»‡•¨ƒŠƒXƒgj
œEvaluation of Results@iŽŽŒ±Œ‹‰Κ‚Μ•]‰Ώj